Tuesday, September 15, 2015

RMB Devaluation Can Save China Exports? Experts Fear Currency Devaluation of Countries & Currency War

First of all for export enterprises, many orders are priced in dollars, so since the foreign exchange reform, the RMB appreciation has been gradually eroding the level of corporate profits. If yuan against the US dollar is down, it will have a positive effect on corporate performance. At the same time, it will greatly increase their own competitiveness.

For import businesses, devaluation, obviously, to some extent, improves the corresponding import costs. In order to reduce the corresponding losses, we recommend importing companies to do some corresponding derivative products to avoid exchange rate fluctuations.

General Administration Customs released, on August 8th, for the first seven months, China's import and export value reached 13.63 trillion yuan, down 7.3% over last year. Among them, exports 7.75 trillion yuan, a slight decrease of 0.9%; imports 5.88 trillion yuan, down 14.6%; trade surplus 1.87 trillion yuan, expanding 1 times.

At that time some scholars believed that in the past few quarters, the yuan against the US dollar remained stable, while the dollar continued strength, other large foreign country currency generally depreciated, China's export performance was dragged down to some extent.

In addition to the RMB, the Turkish lira also depreciated, recently, a domestic boiler plant director said, they were negotiating with a Turkish buyer about the boiler exports to Turkey, but due to lira against euro down by nearly 20%, the Turkish buyer decided to buy their own country’s boiler, and Chinese products have price advantage no longer.

Monday, September 14, 2015

42.5% of Bilateral Trading Goods Between China and India Exempted from Customs Duties


On September 13, "The Hindu" quoted government sources as saying that India and China has agreed, under the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) Agreement framework, tariffs of half the goods in bilateral trade between India and China would be exempted. The government source said that the two countries have agreed on 42.5% of the bilateral trade of goods exempted from customs duties, "No industry hopes Chinese goods into India with zero tariff, so we’re nervous, but it must take such a pragmatic step, because we will also be able to have zero-tariff access to the Chinese market. "

The above-mentioned report also said, concerning the specific arrangements for bilateral tariff exemption measures, it would be completed in the tenth round of negotiation of RECP in October this year in Busan, Korea.

Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement negotiations lasted nearly three years, and made key progress in the Third Ministerial Conference held in Kuala Lumpur in August this year.

At the meeting, the participants agreed on the bid patterns of trade in goods, and agreed to strive to complete the substantive negotiations before the end of 2015 and to resolve other technical issues in the year 2016 as soon as possible.

"The Hindu" argument is that India's Commerce and Industry Ministry has launched consultations with India Industries on which field tariff can open, which needs to be protected, the implementation period of tariff exemptions will be 10 years.

The director of Institute of World Economy of Academy of International Trade and Economic Cooperation Liang Yanfen in an interview with Post reporters pointed out that the economic impact of some of the goods exempted from customs duties depends on the specific product category, "it is unlikely to suddenly exempt sensitive product tariff, some categories that has little effect on both may be chosen."

Some analysts believed that the tariff reduction would help the goods to enter each other's market. That would have a lot of influence on India. In early May this year, the Federation of Industry and Commerce in India said, China and India signed a free trade agreement, in the short term, it would benefit China, India will be at a disadvantage, because of the high tariff in India. (www.chinainout.com)

Friday, September 11, 2015

Li Keqiang: RMB Doesn’t Have Basis of Continued Depreciation

World Economic Forum 2015 Annual Meeting of the New Champions (also known as the ninth Summer Davos Forum) will be held from September 9 to 11 in Dalian, China. The Summer Davos Forum is themed by "depicts the new growth blueprint".

Premier Li Keqiang attended the 2015 Summer Davos forum and met the entrepreneurs. In his reply to a question raised by entrepreneurs, he noted that RMB doesn’t have the basis of the continued depreciation, the Chinese economy is in a reasonable range, we have more adequate foreign exchange reserves, and surplus in trade in goods is increasing, which indicates that the RMB exchange rate maintains basically stable at a reasonable balanced level.

Li said, I would like to explain the fact that since the current government was established, the RMB real effective exchange rate has risen by 15%, due to the sharp decline in the currencies of many countries against the dollar, the trend of the international market led us to adjust the RMB exchange rate quote mechanism. The real effective exchange rate of RMB against the US dollar during this government is still in a relatively substantial growth. Frankly, after the slight pullback of RMB exchange rate, RMB exchange rate has remained stable.

Li Keqiang said that we didn’t want to stimulate exports through devaluation of the RMB, which was not in line with the direction of our restructuring, we didn’t want the "currency war" to happen in the world. For example, after the slight pullback in the yuan exchange rate, I have asked the relevant departments and enterprises specializing in export business, they said they wanted to maintain the basic stability of the RMB exchange rate on a reasonable and balanced level. Because if there is a continued devaluation of the market's expectations, he can not get a single commander. How could it do good to China’s export?

Li said that, we all know, China's commodity trading accounts for a large proportion, this year 1-8 months, China imported 220 million tons of crude oil, an increase of 10% over last year, soybean imports rose by 7%, imports iron ore was essentially flat with last year’s, more than 600 million tons, but the commodity import prices went down, some fell by 40%, 50%, which also had an impact on us. Tariffs went down, China's fiscal revenue was under pressure, but the price was not that we can decide, imports did not come down, imports declined due to the price reduction, Who should be responsible? I think we could have a discussion. We all know that if the international market commodity prices have rebounded, we could also have more import tariffs, our finance minister here, he would feel happy. Of course, I'm more happy that we can contribute to improving people's livelihood. Meanwhile, PPI will have changes, which benefits corporate profits and the operational efficiency improvement, of course, we need to work together to solve the problem. (www.chinainout.com)

BRICS Bank Starts Cooperation with AIIB, Investment Focuses on Energy Sector


On September 10, 2015 Summer Davos was held in Dalian China. When the new BRICS Development Bank Vice President Leslie Masiduopu was in the interview with Hexun, Leslie said the new development bank would actively cooperate with the Asian investment bank to explore new business models, in addition, the new development bank investment would focus on the energy sector.

When it comes to the relations with AIIB, the Masiduopu said AIIB was a very important institution to Asian Development Bank, it’s not been long since their establishment, but their establishment intent was similar, "We are absolutely not in competitive relations, we’ll cooperate in many respects in the future.” He said he has met with the AIIB governor Jin Liqun, the two sides would work together to find faster and more efficient ways in the future, and explore new business models.

Masiduopu also said that the new development bank had intention to invest in many areas, but would likely focus on energy, especially clean energy. He believed that the development of clean energy would bring many opportunities to the enterprises in the BRIC countries, therefore, the new development bank would give top priority to the energy investment sector. Besides, the infrastructure investment like road and railway would be carried out. Masiduopu said that the current investment did not yet start, but the new development bank has already looked for and established a number of projects. (www.chinainout.com)

Big news from Davos, China will open the door of domestic foreign exchange market to the foreign central bank, which is another move following China’s central bank’s opening inter-bank bond market to three foreign institutions, Premier Li Keqiang expressed in a speech of Davos.

After the Federal Reserve guided to raise interest rates of the dollar, as well as China's central bank announced the yuan central parity adjustment and triggered the global currency turmoil, in the background, the Chinese government made further adjustments on the foreign exchange market.

I believe that the move needs to be discussed in four areas:

First, the introduced objects are the central banks of other countries. The in the foreign exchange market, the central banks in general, have no strong intention of speculation, and they are likely to hold RMB in the long term, and the move is completely different from opening to speculators, and the move won’t cause greater volatility in currency markets.

The second is to further promote the internationalization of RMB. In the past few years, the central bank reached agreements of currency exchange with other countries, and some countries have also established an offshore RMB trading center, but it’s far from the real reserve currency of the RMB, and this time central banks of other countries enters into foreign exchange market, which is indeed a start of internationalization of the RMB. 

Third, to help stabilize the currency. Under the background of US dollar interest rate raise expectations, Chinese government has taken initiatives to open RMB, which could slow the dollar outflow speed, make US dollar liquidity more stable, prevent the impact of the dollar outflow, and also reduce the central bank’s pressure on the exchange rate stabilization.

Fourth, to help drive down long-term domestic interest rates. The offshore dollar enters China, then will be converted into RMB, and will be used to buy long-term government bonds, which will help drive down Treasury rates, as well as undervalue RMB interest rates, in the long run, it can reduce business lending rates, and benefit Chinese real economy.

In addition to the above sense, RMB could take global circulation, and then grow into the world's main reserve currency.

From the analysis of financial markets, the internationalization of RMB can reduce the long-term interest rates and the cost of corporate loans, while RMB settlement can reduce the exchange costs, boost the real economy, and benefit companies, the stock market or therefore rises sharply. (www.chinainout.com)

Internationalization of RMB Speeds up, Central Bank Allows Foreign Central Banks to Enter China's Currency Market











Big news from Davos, China will open the door of domestic foreign exchange market to the foreign central bank, which is another move following China’s central bank’s opening inter-bank bond market to three foreign institutions, Premier Li Keqiang expressed in a speech of Davos.

After the Federal Reserve guided to raise interest rates of the dollar, as well as China's central bank announced the yuan central parity adjustment and triggered the global currency turmoil, in the background, the Chinese government made further adjustments on the foreign exchange market.

I believe that the move needs to be discussed in four areas:

First, the introduced objects are the central banks of other countries. The in the foreign exchange market, the central banks in general, have no strong intention of speculation, and they are likely to hold RMB in the long term, and the move is completely different from opening to speculators, and the move won’t cause greater volatility in currency markets.

The second is to further promote the internationalization of RMB. In the past few years, the central bank reached agreements of currency exchange with other countries, and some countries have also established an offshore RMB trading center, but it’s far from the real reserve currency of the RMB, and this time central banks of other countries enters into foreign exchange market, which is indeed a start of internationalization of the RMB. 

Third, to help stabilize the currency. Under the background of US dollar interest rate raise expectations, Chinese government has taken initiatives to open RMB, which could slow the dollar outflow speed, make US dollar liquidity more stable, prevent the impact of the dollar outflow, and also reduce the central bank’s pressure on the exchange rate stabilization.

Fourth, to help drive down long-term domestic interest rates. The offshore dollar enters China, then will be converted into RMB, and will be used to buy long-term government bonds, which will help drive down Treasury rates, as well as undervalue RMB interest rates, in the long run, it can reduce business lending rates, and benefit Chinese real economy.

In addition to the above sense, RMB could take global circulation, and then grow into the world's main reserve currency.

From the analysis of financial markets, the internationalization of RMB can reduce the long-term interest rates and the cost of corporate loans, while RMB settlement can reduce the exchange costs, boost the real economy, and benefit companies, the stock market or therefore rises sharply. (www.chinainout.com)

Germany’s 7-month Seasonally Adjusted Import and Export Monthly Growth Rate Grows, Breaking Record in 1991

German 7-month exports and imports rose to a record, indicating that foreign demand remained strong and the German domestic demand was also good, although China's economy slows down.

German Federal Statistical Office (FSO) on Tuesday (September 8th) released data showing that 7-month exports monthly growth rate after seasonally adjustment increased by 2.4% to 103.4 billion euros; imports rose by 2.2% to 80.6 billion euros. Both breaks the compiled record in 1991.

German’s 7-month import and export data exceeded expectations, economists interviewed by Reuters had forecast 0.7% growth in exports, 0.5% growth in imports. However, economists warned that caution was necessary.

In these seven months, before seasonally adjustment, Germany’s exports to euro countries rose by 5.5%, exports to non-euro EU countries grew by 6.9%, exports to non-EU countries increased by 6.4%.

Bayerische Landesbank (BayernLB) economist Stefan Kipar said that Germany’s booming trade with the United States, Britain and the euro zone's lowers the negative factors of the weakness in emerging markets and China. He noted that foreign trade and domestic demand is likely to provide the impetus for economic growth in the third quarter.

German economic growth slowed early in 2015, but in the second quarter, the economy rebounded slightly to 0.4%, due to the foreign trade. Foreign trade is the traditional factor to promote economy, although in the past two years, private consumption has been the main driving force of economic growth in Germany. (www.chinainout.com)

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

How to Drink Wine Does Not Harm to Health? Japan Made Tracking Survey on 140,000 People for 10 Years

Drink wine? How much wine to drink? What frequency fits? Japan has made a large-scale follow-up survey on 140,420 Japanese in 12 regions since 1990.

The result showed that moderate alcohol consumption, liver rest day arrangements, balanced diet and adequate exercise is the secret of healthy drinking.

I. Alcohol consumption and the risk of circulatory disease
In a survey on 19,000 40 to 69 year-old male objects in 10 years, it shows that the risk of stroke increases in case that the weekly intake of pure alcohol is more than 300 grams, but the risk of ischemic heart disease lower.

II. Drinking and Cancer risk
Researchers has made a tracking survey on 35,000 40 to 59 year-old men for 9 to 12 years, and found that with alcohol consumption increasing cancer risk goes when the cancer risk of people having wine once a week is set to 1.

III. Moderate alcohol consumption and liver Day holiday is the key to reducing the risk of disease
How much wine intake is appropriate? The results shows that in terms of pure alcohol, for the Japanese right amount is 23 grams per day, that is to say, beer, 1 large bottle (633 ml), Japanese wine, 180 ml, in terms of wine, about 240 ml.
Set off liver rest day. a small cup one day might be a lot of people's fun, but to break down alcohol every day is undoubtedly a great burden to liver. 

IV. Vitamin B may reduce the risk of disease
It’s found that once people having drinking habits often take in vitamin B, esp. vitamin B6, the risk of people suffering from the disease is relatively low. Vitamin B6 is rich in the liver, tuna, bonito and other red fish.

V. People having exercise habits pay attention to moderate drinking
Through the tracking survey on 140,000 people, it’s found that the risk of people having regular exercise habits to suffer from disease is relatively low, and that people of regular exercise habits pay attention to moderate drinking.

Monday, September 7, 2015

China Revises down Its Estimate of 2014 Economic Growth to 7.3%

Chinas statistics bureau has revised down its estimate of 2014 economic growth to 7.3 percent from 7.4 per centin a move set to revive concerns about the health of the countryseconomy.
In a statement posted on its websitethe National Bureau of Statistics said Chinas grossdomestic product last year was Rmb63.6tn ($10tn), down about Rmb32bn from its initialestimate in JanuaryThe bureau attributed the revision to a lower estimate for the countrysservices sectorwhile industrial and agricultural output were both revised upwards.
Chinas central bank surprised global markets last month with a 1.9 per cent devaluation of therenminbispooking investors who thought the move was aimed at boosting flagging exportsand economic growth.
The revision takes the countrys economic performance a notch further below its officialgrowth target for last yearwhich was set at “around 7.5 per cent”. The 7.4 per cent figurewas already the slowest rate of expansion since 1990.
This years growth target is “around 7 per cent”, although Chinese officials have admitted thecountry may struggle to hit that figure.
The downgrade to Chinas 2014 GDP came after G20 finance ministers tried to dispel fearsover the potential global fallout from a Chinese slowdown.
Wolfgang SchaeubleGerman finance ministersaid the G20 had agreed there was no reasonto fret over slower Chinese growthwhile Pierre Moscovicithe EU Commissioner for economicaffairspraised “the absolute determination of the [Chineseauthorities to sustain growth”.
Also at the G20 finance ministers’ meeting in AnkaraZhou Xiaochuangovernor of the PeoplesBank of Chinasaid Chinas stock market had almost completed its “correction”.