Friday, October 31, 2014

A Wide Range of Commodities' Prices Falling

Across a wide range of commodities, prices are falling and sometimes falling fast. The Bloomberg commodity index – which acts as a benchmark for commodity investments – fell to its lowest level in five years this week. Prices are being pushed down by the increasing supply of most commodities and a weakening global economy, including a slowing China, the world’s largest consumer for many of these raw materials. Whether it is oil, corn, iron ore, coal, cotton or copper, prices are falling quickly.
The International Monetary Fund estimates that global commodity prices are 8.3 per cent lower than at the start of the year. In its recent World Economic Outlook report, the IMF demonstrated how a $20-a-barrel oil price decline would increase the real income of consumers, boosting domestic demand and growth in consuming countries and hitting exports and demand in producer nations. The fund estimated the net effect would increase world gross domestic product 0.5 per cent alone, and if economic confidence were improved as a result, that figure could rise to about 1.2 per cent. Gavyn Davies, chairman of Fulcrum Asset Management, says the figures were plausible and by any measure “quite big”.
Andrew Kenningham, economist at Capital Economics, has calculated that an equivalent change would transfer $640bn – or nearly 1 per cent of world GDP – from oil producers to consumers. “Our rule of thumb is that consumers typically spend half of their windfall. This is $320bn or around 0.5 per cent of world GDP, ” he says.
With other commodity prices falling alongside oil, the effects can be expected to amplify, benefiting global growth but also creating losers as well as winners. The effects are most obvious in growth forecasts. In 2011, when commodity prices were expected to remain persistently high, the IMF forecast Brazil’s economy would expand more than 4 per cent in 2014, a rate it would be able to sustain into the medium term. Now it is expecting near stagnation this year with a slow climb towards a 3 per cent medium-term rate. Russia, which also has to deal with the added impact of western sanctions, shares the same fate.
Some effects can be complicated, however. As well as redistributing money between countries, there are also winners and losers within the same nation. While falling oil prices act as a tax cut for US motorists, it hits the country’s shale oil industry. In 2011, the surge in food prices was a boon to Brazilian agriculture but a huge burden on its urban poor.
Exchange rate movements can complicate the picture, since most commodities are priced in dollars. In parts of Asia currencies are falling relative to the dollar. As a result says Jeff Currie, head of commodities research at Goldman Sachs, consumers in India are not seeing big gains because oil prices in rupees are not falling fast, and in countries such as Indonesia, the government is offsetting lower fuel prices with cuts in fuel subsidies so, again, consumers have not seen the full benefit. After taking account of currency and tax changes, Mr Currie says the US is the only country in which consumers are likely to see a big benefit.
As a big consumer and importer, the eurozone will benefit from the turndown in commodity prices, but economists warn Europe must avoid getting too much of this good thing. Falling commodity prices could tip the eurozone into outright deflation, potentially delaying consumer purchases on the expectation of even lower future prices.
This is all theoretical, but could undermine efforts by the European Central Bank to stabilise medium-term expectation of inflation to about 2 per cent a year. Thomas Harjes of Barclays says: “Market-based measures of inflation expectations are increasingly indicating that the ECB is at risk of losing its credibility to return inflation back to the close-to-2 per cent target, even over the medium term.” (

Thursday, October 30, 2014

China to Open Market for Argentina Sorghum

China will open its markets to Argentine sorghum this year, according to Argentina, creating competition for the US farmers who have been the main beneficiaries so far of a surge in Chinese demand for the grain normally used to make distilled alcohol.

High prices of corn in China have forced animal feed producers to turn to sorghum as a cheaper alternative, especially after Chinese quarantine officials began more strictly enforcing restrictions against imports of certain types of genetically modified corn.
imported corn and sorghum cost less than domestic corn thanks to Beijing’s minimum price policy designed to encourage the planting of corn.
The Argentine minister of agriculture will sign bilateral protocols, paving the way for China to import Argentine sorghum, during his visit to Beijing next month, his deputy Gabriel Delgado said in Beijing on Friday. “We expect trade to be smooth,” Mr Delgado said.
China is by far the world’s largest sorghum importer, buying about 4.3m tonnes last year compared to second-ranked Japan’s 1.5m tonnes. Its imports were negligible until 2009, before soaring in 2012 and 2013.
The US leads the world in sorghum production and exports, shipping about 5m tonnes this year. Argentina is the world’s fifth-largest sorghum producer but the second largest exporter, with exports of about 1.3m tonnes. Australia ranks third.
Argentina may have come late to feast. Already this summer Chinese quarantine officials indicated stricter quality checks on sorghum imports, in an apparent attempt to force feed producers in southern China to purchase domestic corn and ease swelling stocks.
The increased scrutiny has already led one Shanghai-based agricultural consultancy, JC Intelligence, to halve its forecast for sorghum imports for the year to end September.
Sorghum generally has an easier time than corn in clearing Chinese import inspection procedures because it is not genetically modified.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

345 Batches of Imported Food and 17 Batches of Cosmetics Fail to Pass Inspection and Testing of CIQ in September

On the 29th September, Chinese AQSIQ announced that 345 Batches of Imported Food and 17 Batches of Cosmetics Fail to Pass Inspection and Testing of CIQ in September
The substandard food products involve 18 categories, mainly for beverage, bee products and other processed food, from 36 countries or regions. The main reasons are substandard quality, microbial contamination and excessive food additives.
Substandard cosmetics involve three categories of products, namely, skin cosmetics, hair cosmetics and beauty cosmetics, from 7 countries or regions. The main reasons are goods failing to match the certificatessubstandard certificates and substandard labels. 

Regarding these substandard imported food and cosmetics, entry-exit inspection and quarantine agencies have taken measures to return or destroy them, which wont enter domestic market.
Import industrial inspection and supervision shows, Chinese inspection and quarantine authorities, in September, seized imported merchandise with substandard quality and safety for 10,769 times, mainly related to clothing, metal mineral products, machinery and equipment and so on. CIQ has lawfully taken measures to return or destroy 314 substandard goods; in September seven cases of imported car defect recall are at disposal, involving 10 vehicle models and 163,503 vehicles.(

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

China and Russia Considering Building A High-speed Rail

Beijing (AFP) - China and Russia are considering building a high-speed rail line thousands of kilometres from Moscowto Beijing thatwould cut the journey time from six days on the celebrated Trans-Siberian totwo, Chinese media reported Friday.

The project would cost more than $230 billion and be over 7,000 kilometres (4,350 miles) long, the Beijing Times reported -- more than three times the world's current longest high-speed line, from the Chinesecapital to the southern city of Guangzhou.

The country has the world's largest high-speed rail network, built from scratch in less than a decade, relying on technology transfer from foreign companies, including France's Alstom, Germany's Siemensand Japan's Kawasaki Heavy Industries.
Its reputation was tarnished after a bullet train collision in July 2011 near the eastern city of Wenzhou that killed at least 40 people andinjured hundreds.

But Chinais now keen to promote the export of its technology, and has been building high-speed rail networks in Turkey and Venezuela. (

Friday, October 24, 2014

E-commerce Business Recycling IT Trash

In April 2011, graduated from Fudan University, engaged in IT industry, Sun Wenjun and Chen Xuefeng, set up the website - aihuishou, which is China's first domestic C2B electronic product recycling bidding platform, focusing on the field of digital electronics mobile phones, laptops and so on. Its basic business model is: self-built logistics team, room service recycling, and then online auction, bulk purchase, processing or electronic waste dismantling of subsequent links.

"User orders via network or telephone , describing the state of their old mobile phones, the network evaluates and then remits money to the customer's account, at this stage funds are frozen. In Beijing and Shanghai, users can enjoy the home inspection machine services. While in other regions users can choose mail. Through simple testing, recycling company with assessment accreditation, and consultation with users of the final price, transaction can be concluded in case of the consensus, the user get money. "

The key to this model is the recycler's online auction.

Let us take iPhone 4S cell phone for example, if it functions well, with 16G of memory and 20% old, it will be quoted at 1335 yuan at aihuishou. We randomly select the other two recovery websites, the price given by taolvwang is 977 yuan, the price of huishouquan is 580 yuan. Many street vendors offer even less than 500 yuan.

On the right side of aihuishou homepage, user transaction information keeps rolling and the information includes the time of transaction and the model of the recycled mobile phone. "At present, the daily trading volume reaches almost 1000, there are more than 6 million users using our service", said Yuan guoshuan,  the chief press officer of aihuishou.

According to the Ministry of Industry statistics, until February 2014, China's mobile phone users has reached 1.24 billion, discarded mobile phones each year about 100 million, while the recovery rate is less than 1%.

Today, e-waste recycling companies in China are also increasingly concerned about mobile phone recycling business. When it comes to the possible impact of market competition, Yuan Guoquan puts it, "our network is running at full speed, I believe that the future market will be vaster".(

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

The Next Great Company to Come from B2B

With the world buzzing over Apples reveal this month of the iPhone 6 and Apple Watchitshard to believe that this multi-trillion-dollar tech giant was once a small computer startup.
For many entrepreneursthe epic trajectory of Apple AAPL -0.87% — or Facebook FB -1.63%or Twitter TWTR 0.07% , for that matter — serves as evidence that the consumer space iswher you go to launch a winning startup.

But that doesnt always hold trueBy foregoing the potentials of selling to business (asopposed to consumers), entrepreneurs are missing out on a world of opportunities — andlucrative ones at that.
As a board member at 1871, Chicagos entrepreneurial hub for startupsI see a lot ofstartups and know what B2C companies can learn from B2B startupsincluding Fieldglass,MarkITx and Eved.
The B2B space is rife with potentialby integrating new technologies into traditionalbusinessesentrepreneurs can dramatically improve efficienciesuncover new marketssolvelongstanding problems andin some casesdisrupt entire industriesIndeedan increasingnumber of B2B startups are experiencing rapid growth while achieving enviable profit margins.
Take Fieldglassfor exampleOnce a small startupthe Chicago-based software company is nowthe biggest vendor management system (VMSprovider in the worldIn Mayit was reportedlyacquired by SAP for more than $1 billionone of the largest sales of a privately held techcompany in recent years.
Or consider MarkITxan online marketplace to trade enterprise IT hardwarewhich earned a$12 million valuation after only eight months of operationsAfter speaking with its co-founderFrank Muscarellothe companys revenues are up 300 percent this year compared to last.
To launch the next great startuphere are six lessons that entrepreneurs can learn from B2Bcompanies about how to launch the next great startup:
Target your first customers wisely
Many B2B businesses design their products and services around their initial clientsmaking itcritically important to take a strategic approach to recruiting those first customersTaliaMashiachfounder and CEO of Evedwent after large firms like Dell when her company was stillin its early stagesShe then designed Eveds platform and online marketplace to addressthose customers’ needs and provide visibility into their meeting and the total amount spent onan eventThat set the stage for the recruitment of other large-scale firms and helped herstock her online marketplace with more than 5,000 companies.
Long-term value of customers is critical
Generally speakingB2B companies have longer sales cycles than B2C firmsHowevermostB2B customers are long-term customers andin the endcompanies can extract greater valuefrom themAfter Jai Shekhawat founded Fieldglass in 1999, it took him more than a year toland his first customerswhich included Verizon VZ -0.80% , AIGAIG -3.34% , GlaxoSmithKlineGSK -1.33% and Johnson &ampJohnson JNJ -2.36% . But he held on to themand now eachspend billions on contract labor annuallyTo dateFieldglass boasts a customer retention rateof more than 99%.
To generate steady revenuefocus on opportunities to generate reoccurring revenue
Prioritize customers that are most likely to use your product or service repeatedly.
Muscarello knew that financial companies would serve as ideal suppliers for his online exchangebecause they invest heavily in IT and frequently purge their inventory to make room for thelatest technologyMarkITxs first customerthe Chicago Mercantile Exchangeis now on its22nd trade since August 2013.
Build something that sticks
To develop a long-term relationship with your customersyou need to create products orservices that are inherently “sticky” and provide several levels of integration within acompanyMarkITxs dashboard plugs into companies via API and provides real-time data aboutthe mark-to-market value of their assets and the optimal time to refresh their ITinfrastructureAs a resultthese companies regularly check the dashboard and are more apt touse MarkITx when it comes time to sell their assetsFieldglass takes integration a step furtherby staying enmeshed in its customers’ problemsIt monitorsfor examplechanges in laborlaws (in Europe aloneShekhawat estimates that there are 25-30 changes per monthandensures that its software immediately reflect those shiftsIn turncustomers grow moredependent on Fieldglass to manage their problem for them.
Look for a business idea on your desk
Think about the problems your company is facing or how you might address issues in yourindustryThere are business ideas there — maybe not sexy onesbut solidprofitable ones.Shekhawat came up with the idea for Fieldglass after serving as a contract developerworkingfor a technology vendor and consulting for buyers and customerswher he witnessed thechallenges of managing contract laborThat insider knowledge also enabled him to build acompany that easily overshadowed the five preceding competitors (all have since gone out ofbusiness).
Know when to venture further
Consider whether the work youre doing now could parlay into something biggerBefore Evedwent global in 2010, it was a local service company that grew to $10 million in four years andlanded on the Inc. 500. But Mashiach knew that there was a bigger opportunity out thereSoshe sold Eveds service sidetook its R&D and re-launched it as a global companywithher sights set on a billion-dollar goal. (