Tuesday, May 12, 2015

April’s imports and exports fall

General Administration of Customs released the latest data, in April the import and export is in the negative growth. In this regard, on May 9th, the Ministry of Commerce spokesman Sun Jiwen said that this year, China's foreign trade situation was more complex and challenging, and under downward pressure. It’s estimated that the foreign trade in the second half of year is better than the foreign trade in the first half of year.

In April, import and export value amounted to 1.96 trillion yuan, down by 10.9%. Among this, exports 1.08 trillion yuan, down by 6.2%; imports 873.9 billion yuan, down by 16.1%; trade surplus 210.21 billion yuan, expanding 85.2%.

In April, imports and exports went down again, the industry generally believes that weak external demand and higher real effective exchange rate is the main cause of weakness in exports, while sharply cut in commodity prices led to a continuation of the negative growth in imports.

imports continuously went down for six months due to the sharp cut in imported goods. Sun Jiwen pointed out that in the first four months, China's crude oil and other commodities importing volume increased, but importing value deceased, which made importing growth dro by 8%.

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