Thursday, November 20, 2014

Foreign Media: China's Internet Bound to Affect Global

China News Network, November 20, it was reported on the 18th by Bloomberg that Chinese Internet giants will be gathered near Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal, southern town Wuzhen, to seek for the future of the global Internet industry.

World Internet Summit was held at Wuzhen, on the day of 19th, guests included the leaders of China's three major Internet companies, whose total market capitalization is over $500 billion. Alibaba Group Executive Chairman Jack Ma, Tencent CEO Pony Ma, Baidu CEO Robin Li, discussed cross-border e-commerce and network security and other issues with the other guests.

One particularly striking guest was Lu Wei, director of China's central network security and Informatization Leading Group Office, which had just been established in February, Lu Wei was expected to describe the vision that China hopes to play a more important part in creating a blueprint for the development of the Internet market overseas.

"Now China's Internet market can be equal to the United States’ either in size, power." Managing director of London CM Research Ltd., Cyrus Mewawalla said, "So they will at a stalemate to develop global rules in terms of the digital world. Obviously China hopes to have more power in deciding the global Internet management standard, but China’s attitude toward to Internet is different from the United States’. "

China's position in the International Internet market, to a certain extent, is determined by its huge domestic market. (

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