Thursday, August 20, 2015

China Continues to Be Biggest Buyer of Brazilian Agricultural Products

According to the Brazilian Foreign Trade Department of Agriculture statistics, in July this year, Brazil's agricultural exports to China amounted to $2.92 billion, accounting for 32.1% of July's total agricultural exports, China continues to be the biggest buyer of Brazilian agricultural products.

Data shows that Brazil's exports to China are mainly soybeans, reached $2.47 billion, followed by wood and pulp. Compared to last year, Brazil's exports to China grew by 19.2 percent this year, mainly due to Chinese increasing demand for soybeans, as well as China’s lifting the ban on Brazilian beef imports.

In 2013 China surpassed the EU to become Brazil's largest agricultural export destination country. In the first seven months, Brazil’s agricultural exports to China reached 14.67 billion US dollars. (

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