Thursday, August 27, 2015

World Trade Suffers Largest Contraction Since 2008 Crisis


World trade recorded its largest contraction since the 2008 global financial crisis in the first half of this year, according to figures that will feed concerns over the global economy and add fuel to a debate over whether globalisation has peaked.

The volume of global trade fell 0.5 per cent in the three months to June, the Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis, keepers of the World Trade Monitor, said yesterday. Economists there also revised down their result for the first quarter of the year to a 1.5 per cent contraction, making the first half of 2015 the worst recorded since the 2009 collapse in global trade that followed the crisis.

Global trade actually rebounded by 2 per cent in the month of June, according to the World Trade Monitor, but its authors warned that the monthly numbers were volatile and that the more revealing pattern lay in the longer-term figures. 

Those numbers built on what has been a grim pattern for global trade in recent years and the unwinding of a decades-old rule that saw trade reliably grow at twice the rate of the global economy as a result of what some have called an era of hyperglobalisation.

In the three months to the end of June global trade grew just 1.1 per cent from the same quarter of 2014, according to the new figures. The International Monetary Fund expects the global economy to grow 3.5 per cent this year.

“We have had a miserable first six months of 2015,” said Robert Koopman, chief economist of the World Trade Organisation, which has forecast 3.3 per cent growth in the volume of global trade this year but is likely to reduce that estimate.
Much of the slowdown in global trade this year has been caused by a faltering recovery in Europe as well as a slowing economy in China, Mr Koopman said. 

The global economy’s “growth engine” had been operating as if it had a mechanical fault for some time with “good growth in some countries offset by weak growth in others”. 

But there was also clearly a structural shift happening in the global economy, he said, and that meant slowing global trade was likely to endure for some time.

The attempted shift in China from an export-led economy to one that was more driven by domestic consumption had structural implications for global trade, Mr Koopman said. So too did the changing energy dynamics in the US, which is becoming a net exporter of energy, and a pattern of manufacturers deciding to shorten their global supply chains and bring production closer to home as part of a “nearshoring” and even “reshoring” movement.

“There’s an adjustment going on in the global economy and trade is a place wher that adjustment becomes pretty visible,” Mr Koopman said.

The slowdown in global trade in recent years has led some to proclaim that globalisation has peaked with technological innovations like 3D printing already creating further disruptions.

However, while it may have peaked there are no signs yet that globalisation has gone into reverse, Mr Koopman said. While growth in trade has slowed to “mimic global GDP” it remained stable as a component of the global economy, with merchandise exports accounting for a steady third of global output when measured in constant 2005 prices. 

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