Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Google Restructures itself

[Why] Google restructures
This time Google restructures itself in the final analysis in order to encourage innovation. With Page's words, "We have always thought that over time, companies would become more conformist, content with Conservative, and do some adjustments, but in the technology industry, the revolutionary disruptive innovation continue to push forward to the next great growth areas, you need to get yourself restless to remain linked with the industry. "

For a long time, under the premise of the dominant Internet business, Google has developed a variety of sectors, it seems that these sectors have little relationship to the core business, but also presence high risk, these sectors include pilot-less vehicles, balloons Network Project, blood glucose monitoring contact lenses and other projects. Under the new framework of Alphabet, these businesses will leave from Google, and become independent subsidiaries of Alphabet.

Page wrote in a blog: "Fundamentally, we believe this allows us to have greater management scale, and we therefore can independently run more businesses which are not closely related to the present business."

[Why the new company calls "alphabet"]

Why the new holding company names Alphabet? Page explained, Alphabet is a collection of language letters, and the language is the most important innovation of mankind, and is also the index core of the Google search. Meanwhile, Alpha also means the return of investment, he said they would try to give return to investors.

In fact, the name of the various projects currently operated by Google already covers 26 English letters, in which we are more familiar with the following:

A, Android system;

C, Calico companies in the life sciences;

G, Google;

F, "Google Fiber" project providing fiber-optic broadband access;

L, intelligent health company Life Science;

X, Google X Lab, which is responsible for research and development of forward-looking technology (including autonomous vehicles, high-altitude Internet balloon, unmanned aircraft, etc.);

V, Google venture capital and capital operations;

Y, YouTube.

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