Monday, March 30, 2015

With Size of Nearly 2.8 Trillion Yuan Chinese Catering Market Attracts Overseas Brands

Chinese people's love for food creates a consumer market of nearly 2.8 trillion yuan. Due to this tremendous opportunity in China's food and beverage market, many overseas brands speed up the pace in Chinese market layout.

As a well-known Korean civilians gourmet brand, Le Bo troops pot catering enterprise, today announced its first flagship store opened in Shanghai China.

"Leisure Korean food" Le Bo troops pot company was founded in 1987, now it has more than 900 stores worldwide and sells one option every one second in the local market. In 2014, the brand entered into China, opening nine stores during six months, planning to open 400 stores in five years.

In fact, there are many foreign brands like Le Bo troops pot company who are optimistic about the prospects of China's catering market.

This month, in the capacity of the exclusive brand’s strategic partner, Parkson Retail Group's food and beverage brands lion Teng signed an agreement with other four major food brands including Johnny Rockets, which would be introduced into Chinese market.

Overseas restaurant brands enter Chinese market, which is closely related to the large size and good prospects for development. Statistics show that in 2014 China's total food and beverage market revenue reached 2.79 trillion yuan, ending the trend of continuous decline for three years, and achieved an increase of 10 percent.

President of the China Cuisine Association Jiang Junxian said, at present, Chinese economy is in the transformation from an investment-driven type to a consumption-driven type, the share of the tertiary industry is continuously rising, the size and quality of urbanization is steadily promoted, giving more development potential and opportunities to catering enterprises. (

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Citigroup Fortune Forum: Citigroup Forecasts Modest Recovery in Global Economy This Year

The first Citigroup 2015 Fortune Global Forum was held in Guiyang on March 28, several financial institutions at home and abroad, more than 500 experts and industry gathered, expected the latest trends in the global economy, explored the world of tomorrow, analyzed financial investment strategy and exchanged how to achieve wealth preservation and appreciation under the global context.

In the previous media conference, financial experts said in 2015 there would be a moderate recovery in the global economy, the American and European stock investment was worth to wait; compared with other major currencies, the RMB might appreciate significantly this year.

For the 2015 global economic trends, experts are optimistic, the US stock market, European stock markets, Chinese stocks are all rising. (China) Citigroup Retail Banking Research and Investment Analysis, Assistant Vice President Tang Junhao believed, Citigroup forecast a modest recovery in the global economy this year, 2015 GDP growth reached 3.0% and and 2016 3.4%, compared with last year's 2.7%, the GDP slightly increased.

Fidelity International Investment expert Lou Zhongyue said, the unemployment rate continued to decline, housing sales and domestic consumption enhancement, showed that the US economy grew moderately. US companies continued to strengthen its balance sheet, while increasing the ratio of dividends and repurchases, and active in the M & A market, and supporting the stock market rally.

Allianz Dresdner expert Yu Ziling believed that under the circumstance of the euro depreciation and the oil price drop, the macroeconomic data in euro area should be further steady, with the end of the expected growth cut trend, the market might bring surprise, which was good for the European stock market.

When it came to China's economic trends, Tang Junhao said, 2014 A shares soar partly reflected the reform dividend, the potential rate cut in 2015 would be positive for the real estate, insurance, utilities and other sections, you can focus on consumption, Internet, health care and other structures growth subject in the long run. (

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Chinese Consumer Sentiment Improves in March

Chinese consumer sentiment improved this month, putting it at its highest point since last July according to a monthly survey.
The Westpac MNI China Consumer Sentiment Indicator increased 2.4 per cent month-on-month in March to 114.7, from a reading of 112 in February.
The Aussie bank argues the uptick is a "tentative sign" that consumers have registered easing measures undertaken by the People's Bank of China, as well as benefiting from lower energy prices due to the global oil price rout. These appear to have outweighed any impact of lowering the annual growth target, they said.
"Household finances, which had been under pressure for much of 2014, look to have put the worst behind them," they said in a statement.
Westpac economist Huw McKay added:“Chinese consumers have now responded positively to both of the interest rate cuts delivered so far in the current cycle. That underlines the fact that policy settings were overly tight in 2014, and that the progressive unwinding of those settings will benefit the economy this year and next. While the structural challenges confronting the economy are genuine, the survey argues very strongly that policy remains a potent cyclical force in the minds of consumers.” (

China Imposes New Restrictions on Imports of Norwegian Salmon

Salmon and other fish at the Fish Market near Bergen in Norway on September 12, 2014 (AFP Photo/Eric Piermont)
China has imposed new restrictions on imports of Norwegian salmon citing fears of a fish virus, Norwegian authorities said on Monday.
As of Monday, Beijing has banned imports of whole salmon from three Norwegian regions amid concerns they carry infectious salmon anaemia (ISA). That ban represents one-fifth of Norway's salmon exports to China.
For salmon from other regions of the Scandinavian country, Chinese authorities have imposed stricter con trols aimed at detecting ISA and pancreas disease.
Norway's food safety agency was informed by letter of the decision, which it judged to be baseless but w hich strikes yet another blow to the country's star export product.
Sales of Norwegian salmon to China plummeted after the 2010 Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to Chinese dissident Liu Xiaobo.
Norway's food safety agency stressed meanwhile that Norwegian salmon was safe.
"We believe there is no risk that Chinese salmon will be contaminated by the ISA virus because fish products from Norway go directly to consumption," it said in a statement last week.
"The ISA virus is not harmful to humans," it added.
The awarding of the Nobel Prize to Liu plunged the two countries' bilateral ties into a deep-freeze, and led to a tightening of veterinary controls on Norwegian salmon.
Its share of the Chinese market dropped from 90 to less than 30 percent.
The new restrictions come on the heels of an import ban announced by Russia -- another important market for Norway -- in response to western sanctions against Moscow over the Ukraine crisis. (

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Strong Dollar Makes US Companies Mixed

Vioearth is a small Scottish company with big ambitions to bring its ­“Viosmart” energy efficient power hubs into offices around the US.
But as Duncan McNeill-McCallum, Vioearth’s chief executive, has been contemplating the $500,000 investment needed to launch his US business, he has come up against a new challenge: a strengthening dollar. “It is affecting all of our financial models,” he says.
from the Federal Reserve to rust belt manufacturers and heartland farmers, the dollar’s surge over the past six months has everyone in the US with an international angle to their business contemplating the consequences.
Much of the focus has been on the impact on exporters and trade or US corporates repatriating overseas profits. But there is another way the strong dollar is casting its shadow over US recovery: foreign direct investment, something the administration has made a priority of attracting in recent years.
Mr McNeill-McCallum is one of 1,300 investors landing in Washington for this week’s selec USA Summit, wher they will be courted by everyone from President Barack Obama and Eric Schmidt, chairman of Google, to state officials.
Launched in 2011, after a panel led by Jeff Immelt, head of General Electric, found the federal government’s existing efforts to lure FDI lacking, selec USA remains a relative newcomer to the world of investment promotion. That is mainly because the job has traditionally been left to state and local governments.
“We’ve not been nearly as good as we should have been at promoting the US as a destination for investment,” says Stefan Selig, a former banker who oversees the effort as US undersecretary of Commerce for International Trade. Despite halfhearted efforts in the past, the US is the country with the biggest stock of FDI, at almost $3tn and growing.
Officials claim selec USA helped add to that. Investors at its first summit in 2013 put their money into projects worth more than $7bn in 28 states. But its share of the global pie fell from more than a third in 2000 to less than a fifth in 2013. Preliminary numbers released last week also showed FDI into the US dipping by 60 per cent in 2014, though largely because of one transaction, Vodafone of the UK’s $130bn sale of its stake in Verizon Wireless of the US.
“Companies around the world are fairly bullish on the US right now. But the big ‘but’ is that self-inflected wounds could deter that,” says Nancy McLernon, president and CEO of the Organization for International Investment, which represents foreign investors in the US. Among those, she argues, is a corporate tax rate that remains 10 percentage points higher than the average among OECD nations.
A US failure to secure many substantive trade agreements in the past two decades has also hurt the country’s competitive proposition, she says, though that is changing with the Obama administration’s push for big Pacific Rim and transatlantic trade pacts.
Amid those sorts of policy debates, the strength in the dollar represents a new conundrum. “The strong dollar is going to impact everything [in the US economy] as it relates to trade and investment,” says Mr Selig. But he argues that investors also see it as a sign of strength. While the strong dollar raises the cost of initial investments, it is the result of a healthy US economy, which has arguably performed better than emerging economies like China, which have attracted huge.
“The currency issue makes it more difficult to invest . . . but you also get access to the market,” he says.
Big investors also argue they are making long-term, strategic investments rather than short-term ones that might be more affected by currency swings.
The Drax Group, which operates a massive power station in the UK that it is converting from coal fuel to sustainable wood pellets, has invested $250m in recent years into production facilities for those pellets in Louisiana and Mississippi and a port facility to ship them out. Its search for locations to establish other plants in the US is not being affected by the dollar at this point, executives say.
“It is one of the issues that we have to deal with obviously,” says David Love, head of regulation and policy at Drax Power. “But these are long-term investments that we are making.”
Mr McNeill-McCallum has come to the same conclusion. He has had to increase initial investments in UK currency terms but he thinks that bet will be repaid in the future via bigger dividends, as long as the dollar stays strong.
“At the end of the day we have a job to do,” he says. “Let’s go out and do the job and do the best we can and then worry about [the dollar] later.” (

Monday, March 23, 2015

"Father of Singapore" Lee Kuan Yew

On March 23, 2015, "Father of Singapore" Lee Kuan Yew, died of illness at the age of 91 years old. Lee Kuan Yew is the founder of Singapore, in addition to economic growth, he also contributed to the entire system of political, cultural and society of Singapore.

Lee Kuan Yew was born in September 1923 in Singapore. Lee Kuan Yew’s ancestors are Hakka, his grandfather Li Yunlong had worked for the millionaire and sugar king Oei Tiong Ham. In the long term along with the British, Li Yunlong appreciate the efficient work and Western lifestyle of Westerners. A lot of wealth Accumulated over the years allowed him to make young Lee Kuan Yew Western-educated, which has profound impact on the Lee Kuan Yew.

In childhood Lee was independent and has strong character. He studied in the famous Singapore’s school Raffles, then went to Cambridge University to study law, in 1949, Lee graduated with honors and began working as a solicitor in England.

Soon after, Lee Kuan Yew returned to Singapore, gradually build prestige through assist the disadvantaged, and establish a broad social base in the trade unio movement.

In 1955, Lee Kuan Yew, became one of the three members of Congress Action Party. In 1959, the PAP won in the autonomous state government election, only 35-year-old Lee Kuan Yew, became the world's youngest prime minister.

In 31 years when Lee was the prime minister of Singapore, Singapore made a change from a country with 12 percent unemployment rate and GDP per capita $ 516 in the past jumping to a developed country, it gets rid of poverty only through a generation, which is a miracle. Today, Singapore is one of the richest countries in the world, per capita GDP is more than fifty thousand US dollars, the unemployment rate remains at around 2% for long term.

Lee Kuan Yew is a doer. People's Action Party won the election in 1959, in order to show the determination of corruption regulation, Lee Kuan Yew and the PAP members held a mass rally in front of the town hall building, and they wore white shirts and trousers, which is a symbol of clean and in-corrupt government; in order to rectify the garbage, shanty buildings and rancid river of Singapore, the people's Action Party started clean-up campaign, called on people to sweep the streets and clean up beach trash; in order to change the situation of the unequal situation of women, Lee Kuan Yew fielded five women candidates in the party, and let his wife Kwa Geok Choo to radio, committing to formulate the Women's Charter, and after one year the above promises were fulfilled.

In terms of ideology, Lee Kuan Yew remains vigilant awareness. He witnessed the invincible RAF was defeated by the Japanese army. Lee's experience made him recognize the importance of vigilant awareness, which is regarded as the governing conception and pursued so far.

Under the guidance of the concept of hardship, Lee Kuan Yew and other Singapore’s leaders constructed a series of political system: careful strict civil service recruitment system for government personnel selection; the "Home Ownership" policy stabilize the people, thus in Singapore - which was once one of the largest slums in the Southeast Asia, 80% of people there live in buildings created by HDB; "Light welfare" CPF system not only makes citizens enjoy the guarantee of the Government, but also let them not dare to relax, avoiding full welfare system’s hurting the country's competitiveness ...... familiar with history, Lee Kuan Yew know that there’s no city-state of long life in the world history. Therefore, he made a series of policies to make Singapore maintain its own development long-term momentum.

Lee Kuan Yew's influence covers not only Singapore’s territorial area of over 700 square kilometers, but the Southeast Asia and other countries. In international communications, Lee Kuan Yew insists the pragmatism policy of interest priority, to make friends but not alliances. As Lee Kuan Yew said, “our foreign policy is not based on any ideology or doctrine, but on the real needs to ensure the safety and prosperity of Singapore." Thus, he went to the eastern and western countries, trying to to find a balance between the major powers. (

International Business Scammar 3

I bought BMC Fourstroke FS01 XO from the guy who claimed as marketing manager of with name "Irfan Salim". I paid the bike full payment $3265 to banking account : Irfan Salim, account number : 0235294312, Bank name : Bank negara indonesia (BNI) Irfan Salim not send the bike until now, i sent email to him a few times, but no reply. I also contacted to phone number listed on their website, but the phone is not active. I have reported them to the Police, now im waiting the police news for me. Let's see what happens later!!. So, I appeal to you all, Do not wire/transfer anything to "", I have been cheated by them!!! Be careful in buying! SALE-BIKES.COM Jl. Dr Semeru No 13 Bogor - Jawa Barat 16112 Indonesia (

International Business Scammar 2

Registrant Contact Details: Pet Indo Store Pet Indo Store ( Jl. Sudirman No.27 Medan Sumatera Utara,21132 ID 
Tel. +62.000938383 
Thank you and waiting confirmation from you.

I am looking for some pet products which i found on this website, and i order them online on it. I got reply with saying send money to this bank account and send scan reciept. I sent the money and scan recipt too, they didnt reply me after that as money is transferd i got worry about it as 1000 bucks is not a little money. So i mail them that i will reports them all the sites and goverment sites. They replied. I need my money in there country and dont have any products just had sites to scam people like me. Gus please aviod they and reports if you any more good sites report too. Thanks " This is all I got from them...I wired $1000 and of course took money and NEVER her from them. Please be AWARE!!! Hello there You will get the packages within 5 or 6 days by DHL ( AIR SERVICE ). Below is details bank account information and send an scanned proof of transfer bank if you ready to make the transfer so we can prepare the shipment soon. BANK ACCOUNT INFORMATION BANK NAME : BANK NEGARA INDonESIA ACCOUNT OWNER : MUHAMMAD SAFI'I ACCOUNT NUMBER : 0293232107 SWIFT CODE : BNINIDJA BANK BRANCH : KC KISARAN ADDRESS OF BANK JL. JENDERAL SUDIRMAN KAV. 1 JAKARTA - INDonESIA Registrant Contact Details: Pet Indo Store Pet Indo Store ( Jl. Sudirman No.27 Medan Sumatera Utara,21132 ID Tel. +62.000938383 Thank you and waiting confirmation from you. ADMIN" 

International Business Scammars

The legal logistics and famous company calls SGS and has locations all over the world 
1 Mr FRANK ETICO* ETICO TRADING Jalan Tun Ahmad Zaidi Adruce, Hock Kui Commercial Centre, 93150 Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia Tel:+60102186075 

2 ROLLAMATIC ASIE 408/144 Phaholyothin Place Bldg., 34FL., Phaholyothin Rd., Phayathai, Bangkok 10400 Thailand Tel: +66-809-055-730 Fax :+66-825-418-129 Skype: rollamaticasie 

3 BP GENERAL TRADING Registered Address: P16 Hansfontein Farm Politsi, Tzaneen, Limpopo 0850 South Africa Registration number : 2007/163489/23 Email: * Phone: +27739173056 Fax: * *+27 862739554 Skype: 

4 143 Clarance Road Iceland Trading Morningside Durban 4001 KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa* Tel: +27-787-931723 Fax: +27-865-385805 Reg No: 2004/025530/07* Skype ID: icelandtradingza E-mail: Website: 

5 eGLOBAL TRADING Co. Ltd 31 McDougal Street Kimberley 8300 Northern Cape - South Africa Tel: +27 731459627 Fax: +27 862488202 Skype ID: Email: 4 Mr. Andrew Demsey Etico Trading Jalan Tun Ahmad Zaidi Adruce, Hock Kui Commercial Centre, 93150 Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia Tel: +601112868077 Email: Website: 5 Mr Ali Ahmed Saleem Tel: +601126176738 Al Aram Trading Company Limited Kuala Lumpur,Malaysia .Email: 

6 AGROGEN MEZOGAZDS KUTATO FEJLES Mr LAURENT RUFIANGE Skype:Agrogen Mezogazds* Tel:036308752479 Mobile0036309416885* Szeged Hungary 2462 MARTONVÁSÁR BUDAI ÚT 38* 

7 Ramon Nunez JESDEL TRADING LIMITED Mobile* +27840440053 Fax***** +27862359339 Skype Account: jesdel_trading Johannesburg South Africa 2001 

8 Kelvin Bayne MBANDOWSC (PTY) Limited South Africa Tel:+27604130436 9 Chris Britney Papyrus Industrietechnik GmbH Höchstadter Straße 5

91475 Lonnerstadt/Versmold Hungary/Austria Tel: +4915217515241/+36308717160 

10 Viktor Kaszai Sales Manager HBE Suppliers Hungary Phone: *+36303764988 

11 Hammonia-Davide GmbH Palmaille 106 22767 Hamburg Germany Tel: 00491771300655 Fax: 00491771300766 

12 Mr Marco Basti Sales Manager ETICO TRADING No. 11, Lorong Seri Gambut 1, Off Jalan Kebun, Klang, 42450, Malaysia Tel.*+6011-2382-4857 Web:* 

13 FUNKIES INVESTMENT PTY LTD Reg:2006/067682/23 sales manager Mohammed ali salam Head office* Port Elizabeth South Africa, Mobile:(+27) 835328804. Fax:(+27) 86 219 0889. Skype:Mohammed_ali209 

14 Mr. Kristóf Vilmos International Commercial Manager Email:* Tel: 0036-304289746 Skype: vilmos360 Address: 2462 Martonvasar Budai Út 38, Hungary 15 VAT Number:HU 10447088 Company Name: "MERKATIMPEX *KFT Company Address:2330 DUNAHARASZTI NéMEDI úT 67. Consultation Number:WAPIAAAAT5Zt4_rf Company Email : Website:* Tel: *0036-304289746 

15 Skype: Email:* 

16 Jacques*Mousseu Drescher Handel GmbH Address:*Borkener Strasse 47 * * * * * * * *46284 Dorsten, Germany Tel:**(+49) 2119 9364 984 Fax:*(+49) 2119 9364 984 Email:* 

17 Waithaka Hanif Dawson Marketing Manager N&A Trade Inn Beverage Co. Ltd Skype: hanif.dawson Mayfair Hse | Junction of New Nyali Road | Mombasa | Kenya |Tel: *+254(0)789519086| Fax: +254 877-689-1798 

18 RADBULL PTY LTD 5 De villiers Street, North End, Port Elizabeth 5 De villiers Street, Port 

19 "Mr Hilary H Du Toit Black Crane Consulting Reg No 2008/007611/23 Marketing Director Tel +27766347103 Fax +27866055777" 

20 Johnson Smith Mobile +27 782497465 ENGLO TRADING LIMITED E-mail: Johannesburg 

21 UMARO HASSAN MANAGING DIRECTOR AMABANSA TRADING TEL: 0027724 648 459 Skype: umaro.alhassan 

22 Alan Humphrey Company Name : A & N Trading CC Address : 12 CLew Street,Krugersdorp, Johannesburg,1745 - South Africa Email : Tel : +27(0) 739269039 Fax : +27(0)*862483490 

23 OKSANA BOGDANOBVA LTD Çağlayan Mh., 2069. Sk, 07230 Muratpaşa/Antalya, Turkey Contact:+905516102652 FAX:+907215774892 Skype: mamudu.salife (

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Customs of Iranian New Year

Persian New Year, also known as the Iranian New Year ("NOW ROUZ"). Begins from March 21 to March 24 each year in the world calendar. According to Iran's implementation of the Islamic calendar, the annual March 21 is seen as the first day of spring, and the beginning of the new year. Like Chinese New Year, they will celebrate for a week.

When bell rings in the New Year, Iranians usually display in the table seven items: Sir, Sanjed, Serke, Sib, Samag, Sabzeh, Samunu and sweets made from flour.

In Iran, celebrating the New Year is celebrating the arrival of spring. It’s always in late March in the Gregorian calendar. It takes a week to celebrate the New Year. People go to street and build a bonfire, also called "Night Fire", and then the whole family jump around in turn, hoping to burn bad luck, have bright days, drive out evil and illness, and be happy forever. On Iran's New Year's Eve, they will have seven courses, the name of each dish must begin with "S", which stands for good luck. From the first day to the third day, people will visit friends and relatives and make congratulations on Happy New Year. The last day of the New Year holiday, the entire family will go out for a walk and hope to the prevent evil. (

Commodities Supercycle Ends

The commodities supercycle may be over but theres no replacement for China as the worldsfactoryaccording to Citi.
From now oncommodities demand will come from a diversified group of regions including India,the Middle EastLatin AmericaAfrica and countries belonging to Asean in Southeast Asia.
But this would not be enough to offset Chinaleading to slower worldwide demand growth forcommodities and weaker global trade flowsthe bank said.
Global commodities demand growth will be substantially slower than during the past decade.Hardest hit would be thermal coalsteel iron ore and coking coalgiven their exposure toChinas manufacturinginfrastructure and real estate sectorsCiti said.
base metals such as aluminium and copper are likely to do better with emerging marketdemand growth in the 3-5 per cent range into the 2020sit saidThe bank noted thateven asChinas economy grows from a higher consumption basevolume demand was likely to be lowerfor most commodities.
For natural resources demandthis is a dual blowFirstoverall economic growth in China isslowing.
Secondthe commodity intensity of the economic growth is falling rapidly such that eachincrement of lower growth generated even less demand for metals and energy than during thesupercycle.
For China to bring investment share of GDP down to 40 per cent by 2020 would requireinvestment growth about 3 percentage points lower than GDPwhich had “profoundimplications” for commodities demandCiti said. (

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Interpretation of Chinese Version of "Industry 4.0" Blueprint


When the Americans began "the third industrial revolution", German started "Industry 4.0" strategy, as a big manufacturing country, China has announced that it will strive to become the industry power in around 2045 through three decades of the Program of Action.

This important signal derived from the "Made in China 2025" concept appearing first in the government work report. This signal triggered foreign media’s attention, the latest issue of "The Economist" magazine took "Made in China" as its cover story, and concerned about how China build their own "Industry 4.0" blueprint.

Minister of Industry and Information Technology Miao Wei said that China planned to complete the shift from a big manufacturing power from a strong manufacturing power through three decades of program of action and a roadmap. "Implementation of 'Made in China 2025' will be the first step for China to transfer from a big manufacturing country to a strong manufacturing country."

20 years ago, China's output accounted for less than 3% in the global manufacturing output, now the share nearly a quarter. Nearly 80% of the air conditioning, 70% of cell phones and 60% of footwear are "Made in China." Although "Made in China" today faces many challenges such as rising labor costs, the manufacturing industry is still playing an important role in the development of China in the future.

Carefully sorting out the government work report, project report and financial reports, we can clearly find out China's development blueprint towards industrial power.

Accelerate the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries

Government work report pointed out that we need to promote the depth integration between industrialization and information, to develop and utilize the network, digital and intelligent technology, and to achieve a breakthrough in a number of key areas.

Project Report presented that this year we will introduce the three-year action plan to enhance the core competitiveness of manufacturing, and address efforts to make breakthroughs in the core areas technology like industrial robots, rail transportation equipment, high-end marine and offshore engineering equipment, new energy vehicles, modern agricultural machinery, high-end medical equipment, medicines and so on.

The new industry will become the dominant industry

Major projects like high-end equipment, information networks, integrated circuits, new energy, new materials, bio-medicine, aviation engines, gas turbines, etc. are written into the government work report; the "Internet +" action plan is proposed first; the first time in "Industrial Internet" concept emerges for the fist time, promoting modern manufacturing’s combination with mobile Internet, cloud computing, big data, networking and others.

Enhance service supporting role

Government work report made it clear that production services like tourism, health, pension, life and creative design will be promoted and developed.

Plan report further listed the supported high-end services, including industrial design, financing and leasing and other producer services; R & D design, system integration, intellectual property, inspection and other high-tech services, promoting services and manufacturing integration and development. (