Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Interpretation of Chinese Version of "Industry 4.0" Blueprint


When the Americans began "the third industrial revolution", German started "Industry 4.0" strategy, as a big manufacturing country, China has announced that it will strive to become the industry power in around 2045 through three decades of the Program of Action.

This important signal derived from the "Made in China 2025" concept appearing first in the government work report. This signal triggered foreign media’s attention, the latest issue of "The Economist" magazine took "Made in China" as its cover story, and concerned about how China build their own "Industry 4.0" blueprint.

Minister of Industry and Information Technology Miao Wei said that China planned to complete the shift from a big manufacturing power from a strong manufacturing power through three decades of program of action and a roadmap. "Implementation of 'Made in China 2025' will be the first step for China to transfer from a big manufacturing country to a strong manufacturing country."

20 years ago, China's output accounted for less than 3% in the global manufacturing output, now the share nearly a quarter. Nearly 80% of the air conditioning, 70% of cell phones and 60% of footwear are "Made in China." Although "Made in China" today faces many challenges such as rising labor costs, the manufacturing industry is still playing an important role in the development of China in the future.

Carefully sorting out the government work report, project report and financial reports, we can clearly find out China's development blueprint towards industrial power.

Accelerate the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries

Government work report pointed out that we need to promote the depth integration between industrialization and information, to develop and utilize the network, digital and intelligent technology, and to achieve a breakthrough in a number of key areas.

Project Report presented that this year we will introduce the three-year action plan to enhance the core competitiveness of manufacturing, and address efforts to make breakthroughs in the core areas technology like industrial robots, rail transportation equipment, high-end marine and offshore engineering equipment, new energy vehicles, modern agricultural machinery, high-end medical equipment, medicines and so on.

The new industry will become the dominant industry

Major projects like high-end equipment, information networks, integrated circuits, new energy, new materials, bio-medicine, aviation engines, gas turbines, etc. are written into the government work report; the "Internet +" action plan is proposed first; the first time in "Industrial Internet" concept emerges for the fist time, promoting modern manufacturing’s combination with mobile Internet, cloud computing, big data, networking and others.

Enhance service supporting role

Government work report made it clear that production services like tourism, health, pension, life and creative design will be promoted and developed.

Plan report further listed the supported high-end services, including industrial design, financing and leasing and other producer services; R & D design, system integration, intellectual property, inspection and other high-tech services, promoting services and manufacturing integration and development. (www.chinainout.com)

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